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Fundación Fleishman impulsa a Asociaciones y Fundaciones del Sur de Tamaulipas

Fundación Fleishman Launches the First Social Leaders Diploma Program in the Region, Aiming to Strengthen Foundations and Associations in Southern Tamaulipas. This initiative aligns with Fundación Fleishman’s vision of being a high-impact philanthropic leader, empowering organizations and society to create meaningful and long-term social change.

The Diplomado de Líderes Sociales is delivered by Tec de Monterrey and will provide civil society organizations with practical tools to help them achieve greater social impact through their actions, as well as ensure their continuity, sustainability, and development. The first session took place on March 14 at the Hotel Camino Real, and the program will last 120 hours, to be completed over six months.

Asociaciones y Fundaciones participantes en el Diplomado de Líderes Sociales

Fundación Fleishman, chaired by brothers Herman and Robert Fleishman, awarded full scholarships for this diploma program, with 31 participants in attendance. Among the participating organizations were Alimentos para la Caridad, Asociación Gilberto Tampico, Casa del Anciano, Construyendo Tejido Social, Doctor Sonrisas, Fundación EXAICT, Fundación Paola Zozaya, Fundación Tamaulipeca Doy Sangre Doy Vida, Instituto Fray Andrés de Olmos, Nuestra Casita, Unión Pro Vida, and Centro de Musicoterapia FA.

This is how Fundación Fleishman continues to encourage many strategies that contribute to the development of organizations that benefit our community.

Marco Vargas del Tec de Monterrey, Mariana Priego de Fundación Fleishman, Sergio Rodríguez de GT GLOBAL