At Fundación Fleishman, we are committed to positively impacting the development of the Southern Zone of Tamaulipas by forming alliances with social actors working in the following four areas of interest or concern:
We strengthen foundations and associations in southern Tamaulipas, providing them with the necessary tools to improve their processes and operations with resources and support in project development.
Seeking to consolidate their permanence, sustainability and development.

Our impact on Empowering Foundations and Organizations
We encourage the development and education of young individuals with high academic potential, rewarding their performance and encouraging them to continue their studies through alliances with organizations and educational institutions distinguished by their commitment with the comprehensive development of their students.

Our impact on Education

Árbol de Justicia is a non-profit organization that works with children and adolescents in situations of orphanhood and social vulnerability in order to make sure that they live in a loving and caring family environment, so they can reach their full potential. It seeks to defend the cause of orphans and vulnerable children by encouraging their comprehensive development and their right to live in safe and permanent families: aiming to strengthen families to improve their current and future living conditions.

Asociación Gilberto provides preschool education to more than 200 children, offering them academic and values-based education with the goal of shaping individuals capable of integrating into society and contributing to the productive life of their city, state, and country.

Casa Amiga de la Obrera is a daycare center that, has been working without interruption since its founding in 1935, assisting in the care and education of the children of working mothers from the metropolitan area of Tampico, many of whom are single and the sole financial support for their families. It is the first known daycare center in the state of Tamaulipas to provide comprehensive preschool education, ensuring continuity into elementary education.

Founded in 1965 with the goal of providing special education to children and adults with intellectual disabilities, offering appropriate academic and psychological training tailored to each student.
We encourage actions of associations and institutions that aim to improve the health of children, especially those living in vulnerable situations.
We collaborate to promote a care and prevention culture supporting projects that create meaningful social change.

Our impact on Health

Alimentos para la Caridad is a Civil Society Organization with 18 years of experience working for those with the least, gathering food from supermarkets, agricultural production fields, and food processing plants to assemble food baskets and prepare meals and deliver them to families living in poverty in southern Tamaulipas and northern Veracruz. It is affiliated with the Asociación Mexicana de Bancos de Alimentos (Mexican Association of Food Banks), a network of more than 60 organizations in this field across the country.

It began operations more than 18 years ago, founded by Don José Fraga. We are a care center and and home shelter for adults and homeless individuals suffering from mental illness. Currently, it helps more than 50 people.

Tapitas Salvando Vidas is a Civil Association that supports young warriors fighting cancer by providing lodging, food, and nutritional, psychological, physiotherapeutic, and educational support. We make this possible through collecting, , and recycling of plastic bottle caps in order to generate resources for various support programs for low-income children diagnosed with cancer in the Huasteca region.

Corazones Siempre Unidos is an association that provides support to children and teenagers suffering from cancer and other diseases, aiming for early detection, treatment, and recovery, through the development of projects aimed at improving their quality of life.

They work to uplift the spirits of children suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, cystic fibrosis, kidney failure, among other conditions. They spread the message of raising social awareness and empathy towards those around them, always with aiming for seeing them smile and becoming a symbol of joy and fun for the children. The organization has stayed strong for 20 years, visiting hospitals, playing, and making children’s dreams come true. Its work is based in Tampico, as well as in 20 of Mexico’s main cities, as well as the capitals of Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, and Paraguay.

Fundación Manos Unidas supports the most disadvantaged members of society, those with limited financial resources who cannot afford groceries, medicines, clothing, or counseling, seeking to help society to increase productivity and improving quality of life.

They seek to improve the quality of life for elderly people in situations of social abandonment, by providing shelter, food, 24-hour care from a geriatric doctor and nurse, and a rehabilitation and special care program with compassion and kindness.

They give the tools to young people to use the power of storytelling to drive change in their communities. They combine education, art, and action to achieve their mission. Through these efforts, they replace loneliness and isolation with connection, community, and action.

Shelter home designed for families attending rehabilitation therapies with their children with disabilities at CRIT Tamaulipas. They provide a welcoming second home, specially equipped to meet the childrens' needs, with safe, spacious, and clean facilities, supported by a strong support network.

Unión ProVida is a non-profit organization based in Tampico, Tamaulipas, whose healthcare system works as a team linking the collaboration of hospitals, clinics, laboratories, as well as private and public health companies. With the help of volunteer doctors from many specialties, they assist patients living in poverty and extreme poverty who do not have the means to receive medical and surgical care.

Villa para la Caridad is a shelter home that offers quality of life free of charge for the elderly who are in situations of abandonment, providing occupational therapy in an environment in touch with nature, as well as good nutrition, all necessary services, and, most importantly, an emotional and spiritual relationship that encourages recovery and gives them a sense of belonging.

30 years ago, driven by love, a small group of married couples chose to provide shelter and support to the abandoned elderly in Tamaulipas. This is how Asilo de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes (Nuestra Señora de Lourdes' Shelter Home) was born. Its mission is to care for the elderly in situations of abandonment and poverty in southern Tamaulipas, providing free assistance to those without family or financial resources, offering them a dignified home in an environment of love and respect.

Asociación Alzheimer Tampico provides therapy and specialized medical services to the elderly with Alzheimer’s to enhance their physical, cognitive, and functional abilities.

La Cruz Roja Mexicana (Mexican Red Cross) in southern Tamaulipas is a humanitarian institution dedicated to providing aid and emergency services in risk situations in Tampico, Cd. Madero, and Altamira. Through volunteers and rescue teams, they work to care for and preserve the health of those in need.

La Posada del Peregrino de Tampico A.C. was founded in May 1988 as a response to the need for lodging and food for people who came to Tampico to address their health issues at public hospitals, where they often experience hunger, fatigue, and the harshness of weather. With over 30 years of experience, they continue their mission to work with respect, commitment, and kindness for low-income families facing illness.
Culture and art are a fundamental part of Mexico’s wealth and a generator of social value.
We prioritize strategic alliances for the implementation of projects that highlight our artistic heritage, encouraging the comprehensive development of our children and youth.

Our impact on Art and Culture

It provides a space that encourages learning through play. With 4 fun, educational themed rooms, it promotes values and family quality time.

It transforms art into publications and offers workshops on creative writing and fanzines. It encourages reading and writing through donations to libraries and talks on literature and current topics.

They serve as a bridge of opportunity and connection for socio-cultural projects grounded in principles that address today’s needs, expectations, perspectives, and narratives. Through projects that strengthen the development of audiences open to the world, they create spaces and initiatives for engagement, exchange, exhibition, and growth to encourage the development of cultural and creative industries.

Musicoterapia FA is a foundation that integrates the healing power of music as medicine for the soul, providing care and attention to those who need it most. Our goal is to increase motivation and elevate people’s spirits, helping them reduce the perception of pain through distraction, while stimulating the body’s natural pain relievers.

They bring a message of love and peace to all audiences, using laughter therapy, pantomime, comedy, drama, and many other tools employed in the art of theater and clowning.

It seeks to beautify our surroundings and build a vibrant future through music, visual arts, and literature.