Call for Projects
Fundación Fleishman
We invite organizations to participate in our Fundación Fleishman's 2024 Project Call. Applications for support were received from previously selected organizations dedicated to non-profit social action.

- To have received an invitation from Fundación Fleishman to participate in the call.
- Be a legally constituted non-profit organization (In Mexico, A.C. Civil Association, S.C. Civil Society, I.A.P. Private Assistance Institution, I.B.P. Private Charitable Institution).
- To have completed a Social Leadership Diploma from Fundación Fleishman.
- Appear in the latest publication of the Diario Oficial de la Federación in Annex 14 of the 2024 fiscal miscellaneous resolution. Only the page where the CSO appears is required.
- Comply with tax obligations.
- To have an intervention model that promotes one of the four areas of interest of Fundación Fleishman within the Tampico, Madero, and Altamira region.
- Generate greater impact in the Tampico, Altamira, and Cd. Madero areas.
- To have 20% sustainability in the project.
- Request a maximum of 50% support of the total project.
- Submit a project that is not related to politics or religion.

- Arte y Cultura
- Salud
- Educación

Museo de la Ciudad Tampico, A.C
"Bicentennial Portrait"
This project complements the Álbum Centenario de Tampico (Centennial Album of Tampico) and establishes a starting point for an organized documentation for future generations of Tampico residents, inviting them to continue the project 100 years from now.

Musicoterapia Fa, A.C.
"Music therapy and VR"
Creation of a technological platform where the general public can donate a musical activity (concert, serenade, therapy, etc.) to nursing homes, orphanages, or hospitals in an automated way using internet and their devices. This platform will also have a section for booking live music for events, going from a solo performer to a mariachi band.

Alimentos para la Caridad A.C.
Combatir el hambre y la desnutrición en la población más necesitada mediante la adquisición de insumos y materiales, así como la logística necesaria para entregar frijol cocido a más de 3,000 beneficiarios en comunidades con necesidades alimentarias urgentes y población vulnerable.

Alimentos para la Caridad A.C.
Tortilleria, Alicari
Through the construction of a tortilla factory/shop, the goal is to improve the nutritional content of food packages and meet the immediate dietary needs of the vulnerable population.

Villa de la Caridad A.C.
Expansion of the admissions and special care area, phase 2
Improving the living conditions of the residents through the second phase of remodeling and equipping a common recreation area, designated for new admissions, located at the central de abastos.

Asociación Alzheimer de Tampico, Cd Madero A.C.
Better equipment for better results
To have a physiotherapy area, a dining hall, and a multipurpose room ready to meet the needs of the elderly with Alzheimer’s and similar dementias, as well as the necessary materials to monitor vital signs, providing a quality, equitable, and supportive environment.

Cáritas Tampico A.C.
Guaranteed Food, for those who need it most
To fight hunger and malnutrition in the population in situation of need of Altamira by delivering three nutritious meals a week, improving the quality of life in this area. This is carried out with the help of community volunteers and under the guidance of a nutritionist who provides the menus.

Casa del Anciano, A.B.P
"Solar panels"
Installation of solar panels at Casa del Anciano to maintain a pleasant temperature, ensuring that our elderly residents enjoy top-level facilities and feel more comfortable.

Club Rotario , Fundación Tampico Norte, A.C.
"Empowered Children"
We provided computer equipment, Perkins Braille writing machines, and school supplies to schools that serve young people with visual impairment and/or blindness, autism, and attention deficit. This project offers them the opportunity to continue their education, empowering them and developing their creative and sport talents.

Club Rotario Tampico Miramar
"Cataract surgery project 2024"
In collaboration with Unión ProVida A.C., cataract surgeries will be performed for low-income people who cannot afford the procedure.

Colon Feliz, A.C.
Pediatric Colorectal Surgery and Intestinal Rehabilitation Campaign
Health alliance involving Fundación Fleishman, Beneficencia Española, Colon Feliz A.C., and specialist doctors, with the goal of providing medical and surgical care. This collaboration aims to impact vulnerable children and teenagers with colon and rectal diseases, ensuring they receive proper and timely diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.

Fundación Maria Jones de Edgar
"Creating Hope for Life"
To provide medical care to patients with kidney failure from southern Tamaulipas and the Huasteca region at Dr. Carlos Canseco General Hospital, offering access to optimal hemodialysis services, medications, and required lab tests, significantly improving the quality of life for the patients and their families.

Manitas para TO2, A.C.
"Electromechanical Hand"
Manufacturing 50 electromechanical prostheses for people in need of upper limb prosthetics, giving back to the user a greater range of motion, independence, security, and the opportunity to perform better in any environment.

Nuestra Casita, A.C.
"A room with heart"
Providing support to the families of children and teenagers with disabilities, covering transportation costs from their hometown, paying for their therapy sessions at the rehabilitation center, and covering lodging expenses at our shelter home. This ensures they can complete their rehabilitation program while their family members participate in activities that improve their overall well-being.

Por Ti y Contigo por la Salud A.C
"Hope and Light for You"
Providing children of ages from 1 to 5 who were orphaned due to the death of their parents from COVID with general health checkups, psychological support, educational services, as well as food, uniforms, shoes, sneakers, school supplies, backpacks, etc., given their vulnerable situation after being placed in the care of their grandparents, uncles, or close relatives.

Posada del Peregrino de Tampico, A.C.
"Impossible without you"
To provide a safe environment through lodging and meals, as well as spiritual support to low-income people who need temporary accommodation while they have a family member hospitalized because of their treatments and doctor visits.

Unión Pro Vida, A.C.
"Health Alliance"
Health alliance involving Fundación Fleishman, Beneficencia Española, Unión ProVida A.C., and specialist doctors, with the goal of providing medical and surgical care to vulnerable people with genetic malformations. They will receive the necessary pre-surgical, surgical, and post-surgical treatment for their complete recovery. Additionally, more vital surgeries from various specialties are planned.

Asociación Gilberto Tampico, A.C.
"Restroom renovation"
Prioritize the safety of the children by adapting the restroom modules. On the ground floor of the main building, to level the floors and adjust them according to the necessary heights for preschool children. On the second floor, repair the floor of the storage room next to the individual restrooms for boys and girls.

Casa Amiga de la Obrera, A.C.
"Scholarship Fund"
Supporting working mothers without benefits, such as social security, through educational scholarships to ensure their preschool-aged children can continue their studies in the metropolitan area.

Cruz Roja Mexicana, I.A.P.
"Safety in my School"
The goal is to start a culture of health prevention and care in schools from an early age, so that in the future, students will be able to create a community capable of anticipating, confronting, and effectively recovering from emergencies or disasters.

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
To promote early scientific vocations in children from public schools in vulnerable conditions, contributing to the exercise of their right to education through summer camps and visits to elementary schools.