As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Fundación Fleishman, the 'Extraordinary Heroes' call for nominations was announced, aiming to highlight individuals who dedicate their time, talent, and effort to actions that not only help but also encourage meaningful social change.
From March 13 to June 13, 2023, Fundación Fleishman invited the community in general and Civil Society Organizations of the metropolitan area of Tampico, Altamira and Cd. Madero, to highlight, nominate, and recognize those individuals who, through their work, deserve recognition.
More than 40 applications were received in this call,which were evaluated by a Technical Committee of Professionals in the areas of education, health, art & culture and volunteering; who selected 6 finalists according to the general guidelines established in this call.
During the Fundación Fleishman’s 50th Anniversary Celebration event, Fernando Martín Astaburuaga Pazzi was announced as the winner, receiving the title of Héroe Extraordinario (Extraordinary Hero) of the Year. He was honored with a statuette created by sculptor Jorge Rivera, a financial grant awarded in his name to support his cause in the region, and a recognition from Fundación Fleishman.
Fernando is the founder and current Director of Alimentos para la Caridad, which focuses its work on collecting 300 tons of food per month that benefit more than 14,000 people in food insufficiency. He also founded Casa Hogar Villa de la Caridad where he currently has adopted 18 elderly people.

Social leaders
The 6 finalists social leaders received an economic support granted in their name to support their cause in the region, a statuette made by the sculptor Jorge Rivera and a recognition by Fundación Fleishman.

Gabriela Guadalupe García García
Founder of Casa Maka, an association dedicated to supporting children with cancer and their families by raising funds through recycling campaigns.

Gustavo Francisco Rueda Arteaga
Musician, teacher, and director of the youth symphony orchestra, through his work with academic music, he inspires hundreds of young talents in the region.

Ileana Patricia Zambrano Ruiz
Founder of Unión Provida, whose mission is to close the gap of inequality in access to medical services for people in extremely vulnerable situations.

Javier Aurelio Montiel Gómez
Founder of Manitas para Todos whose purpose is to change the world one hand at a time, motivated by providing new opportunities and bringing smiles to everyone who needs them.

Romana González Ríos
Founder of Unión Provida, whose mission is to close the gap of inequality in access to medical services for people in extremely vulnerable situations.
50th Anniversary
Celebrate our Heroes and their extraordinary work to society.